Thursday, September 20, 2012

You Were A Hippy?

What most people might not know about me is that I have a driven personality. I spent a number of years attempting to be a hippy, but I could never get quite laid back enough to really be what I thought as cool. I was to passionate about being a hippy. Just like a type A personality.

I can't tell you how many times people have made the statement to me about going out there, "...and just have fun." Like I'm not enjoying it because I don't laugh or crack jokes all day. I'm not laid back enough. That got me thinking about my passion and love for the game of golf.

What happened to combining your love and passion as your work. It seems we have come to a place where we work to make money but it is never our passion. I'm an incredibly blessed man that I'm able to pursue my passion to be on tour. But it's my job and I am having 'fun,' but I'm focused and driven and passionate about golf. I don't know why, I just am.

Crystal and I have cut corners, made sacrifices and are preparing for break through on the big stage. To do this is work. I'm not much of a casual golfer and never have been but it doesn't mean I'm not having 'fun' as it is thought. I'm loving every moment of it and so glad I have this job.

I have so many friends that have been incredible support through my journey to the tour. I'm hoping that I can be that supportive and give back to them as they have given to me! And what I so enjoy is that they don't mind that I'm focused and driven toward my goal. Hey, I'm smilin' on the inside.

In the mean time, swing hard and look up.

PS. My tournament next week has been canceled and I'm preparing for the Fry' qualifiers on October 4. This is PGA event here in NorCal.

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