Friday, May 24, 2013

Surprised by the Power?

If you want more yards from your driver, or any club, I have one suggestion - widen your stance, take a much longer swing (wrap the club around your head) and swing so hard it lifts your feet off the ground. Don't expect it to go straight but do expect your foursome to scream like little girls in delight at watching this spectacle. Once you find your ball, and good luck at that, repeat the same.

To a degree I'm not joking. We the people, put so much energy and resources in hitting the golf ball as far as possible, why not just go for it. They do have contests specifically for this adventure. Golf, is a game where scoring the lowest is our pursuit, but it's a day to day thing, so swing away, don't worry, tomorrow brings another look at life on the course.

There are moments that I need to widen the stance, lengthen the swing and pray to God that I hit it relatively near the fairway, although the general purpose of the driver is to place the ball in a good location for your approach into the green (or fairway if a par five). This is called strategy, or smart golf. The best players know this and practice it regularly. Which brings a couple questions to mind: Which one are you? And which one do you want to be?

Is scoring lower your interest, or being the longest driver of the ball? Both you say? There are a few of those out there. Tiger, Bubba, JB and a few others but then they work at it everyday and have been blessed with some natural ability for distance. Unlike most of us, we should make a choice. If distance is your game then enjoy 'WOWING' your buds but don't be so upset with yourself if you don't hit every fairway and score the lowest.

If you want to score lower, than it would be my instruction to begin considering where to place the ball to prepare for your second shot. A little strategy, generally, goes a further than a long drive in scoring lower. As a final thought, stepping on the first tee with your friends what do you want them to remember;

A. He hits it so far...or
B. I hope I can beat him today?

Smart golf - for my mental health!

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